Thursday, July 31, 2014

Fire Horse Complete

Thanks for the input. After living with it and letting the mat medium dry I have decided not to add the red. I like the play between the two sides.

Blue Women

Again, this was a class demo on how pearlesents affect acrylics and using modeling paste. I darkened the blues and added 2 string figures. I want them to show up more so I will be going back in to define them more. I seem to be tangles up in string lately.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Fire Horse

I loved my line work and the texture in this however I thought the upper right just looked dingy. I decided to add more paper and play with the charcoal some more. The mat medium was still wet so you are seeing some white which has not dried yet. Should I extend some red into the lower right?


Yup, I have been playing with string again. The bird is bursting from her, that joy unleashed. What are your thoughts on the blue?


Thanks for all the feedback. This is what I have come up with.  I added the trailing flowers and added an inscription on the gravestone. I added some purple mountains in the background and added some speckling in my sky. The title is a HUGE thank you to Sara Coker. I researched Giselle and I know what to paint the Willis.  Does it look complete?

Friday, July 25, 2014

Barn Quilt Complete

Thanks everyone for the input. I added the circles which help the movement within the piece. I also changed the cow eye color and gave her a slight smile. I will be delivering to the farm on Monday.  I was not enthusiastic about the color palette but it is starting to grow on me. I do like the challenge of parameters from time to time, having constraints you must work with.  One done!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Dancing Upon My Grave

This piece has been through multiple changes. The original was submitted to a show and was rejected. I was not the most happy with it so I decided to have fun and draw with some string. I felt that would allow me the negative space to show through to the background. Here is the original.
I removed the dance by layering the decorative papers over her. 
I then added some some lighter greens to define the grave more and added a shadow from the gravestone. These images are much more washed out. The colors are more vibrant. I have my string dancer just resting on top. She can be re-positioned.
I am going to go back in and add the flowers growing off from her foot. I am not happy with the grass area to the right of the gravestones. Any suggestions? I was thinking of dry-brushing some ochres. Does she need some fellow dancers in the distance? 

To Mat or Not To Mat

Here is a drawing piece I have completed and put into a simple, black frame. Do you think this showcases the drawing or do you think it needs a mat?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Am I done?

This piece began in my advanced 2D class. They wanted to know how to incorporate photos into a mixed media piece as well as how to use a variety of materials. I was just slapping stuff around. I have been refining it. I am at the point where I think I might be done. I call it "Little Girl Lost".

A Limited Palette

A recent graduate from GMC is doing an artist in residency summer project called "Barn Quilts". Josh has given me a 4 ft. by 4 ft. piece of plywood to transform. I needed to create a geometric border and then fill it however I wanted. My colors are limited to 3 shades of green, a pale yellow, lavender, and magenta. If you have seen my artwork you know I love circles.

Above is stage one and stage 2. Since these are for Vermont I decided on a dancing cow and since it is more fun to dance with someone I added a girl. I am thinking of adding a large circle on the right in the space where the girl is arching  and a medium circle to the upper right of the cow's nose. I am thinking this will help with the movement and balance of the piece. What do you think?

Get Your Sh#t Done!

Hello everyone,
    I thank everyone who contributed ideas to me for a summer painting project. My summer started out a little off kilter and as I was cleaning up my work area a noticed many artworks that have been left unfinished, unloved, or in some sort of flux. So my summer is called "Get Your Shit Done". I will be posting works as I complete or even radically change them. Please feel free to give me feedback as I share my process. Thank you so much and happy summer. I know it's half over but I will see how much can get done.