Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Dancing Upon My Grave

This piece has been through multiple changes. The original was submitted to a show and was rejected. I was not the most happy with it so I decided to have fun and draw with some string. I felt that would allow me the negative space to show through to the background. Here is the original.
I removed the dance by layering the decorative papers over her. 
I then added some some lighter greens to define the grave more and added a shadow from the gravestone. These images are much more washed out. The colors are more vibrant. I have my string dancer just resting on top. She can be re-positioned.
I am going to go back in and add the flowers growing off from her foot. I am not happy with the grass area to the right of the gravestones. Any suggestions? I was thinking of dry-brushing some ochres. Does she need some fellow dancers in the distance? 


Unknown said...

I like the more vibrant colors and the string to both imply and define the dancer. As for the grass and the fellow dancers, you could dot some of the flowers from her foot out through the grass beside the grave and if you did include dancers, you could "lead" us to them with more, smaller flowers. However, I don't think the fellow dancers are needed :)

April Simpson said...

Can the dancers dress fall to our right to fill the space in the foreground? I love the pink string!

Mrs. Kristiansen said...

Sarah your critique is written wonderfully and thank you. You have given me a lot to work with and I really appreciate that, especially the visuals.