Thursday, April 23, 2015

Assignment 2

Week 2
     Assignment 2-
      This week it will be important for you to become more comfortable with your camera. Go over the controls and settings and start to play with some of the things you may not be comfortable with. Post on your blog something you find on your camera that you didn't know you could do.
     I was responsible for taking photos at this year's Earth Fair and I did not have the time to be worrying about focus and catching a "good shot" so I played with the Automatic Setting. At first I had a tough time because I had set my dial to A but my photos were fuzzy. Thanks to Mrs. Posch I realized that I also needed to set the lens to Automatic. She then told me how I just need to press the shutter button down half way and the camera does all the work. Yeah!!! I don't need to think.  I found it very easy to take photos and I did not have to worry about blur. Of course the Earth Fair was FILLED with children who never stopped moving. I love how the Auto setting captured them with very little blurring.


Assignment 1

Week 2
Assignment 1- Take 6-7 photographs of the same object and post them on your blog, then compare and contrast two of the photographs.
      I played with the shutter mode and the command wheel with the ISO, playing with the exposure and how much light is let in.  I will be comparing and Contrasting The first and last shots.


     Both shots have a concentration on vertical lines created by the branches. The first shot with the high exposure has a ghost-like feel with the washed out color and the soft contrasts. The textures take on a speckled, paint dabbed appearance. The large, open, negative shapes are reminiscent of Japanese prints and create a shallow space. The soft contrast also gives the shot a peaceful, calm feeling. The last shot with the low exposure has created a strong contrast  where the trees become dark, blue-black silhouettes against a light blue-grey sky. The textures in the trees are no longer seen. The open, negative space is filled with all the tiny spider-like branches which creates a regular rhythm giving this photo a feeling of energy.  The 7 photos are below showing a more gradual change in the exposure.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

First Assignment


Take 3-4 pictures utilizing one of the modes on the camera and explain why you chose that particular mode.

I chose to shoot an Easter basket. It was late at night and the only light I had was an overhead, incandescent light. When I used the Shutter Mode I kept getting the message "needs noise reduction". I liked the crispness with the aperture mode so I decided to shoot a variety of pictures in this mode. Here are my four shots. My emphasis was on the jelly beans.

A Twist in the Art Room

Hello everyone,
    I have a very talented young student who is taking Digital Arts 3 and I decided to let him experience being a teacher. We were very fortunate to receive a grant to get DSLR cameras and I know very little about using them. He is my teacher now. Wish me luck.