Thursday, April 23, 2015

Assignment 1

Week 2
Assignment 1- Take 6-7 photographs of the same object and post them on your blog, then compare and contrast two of the photographs.
      I played with the shutter mode and the command wheel with the ISO, playing with the exposure and how much light is let in.  I will be comparing and Contrasting The first and last shots.


     Both shots have a concentration on vertical lines created by the branches. The first shot with the high exposure has a ghost-like feel with the washed out color and the soft contrasts. The textures take on a speckled, paint dabbed appearance. The large, open, negative shapes are reminiscent of Japanese prints and create a shallow space. The soft contrast also gives the shot a peaceful, calm feeling. The last shot with the low exposure has created a strong contrast  where the trees become dark, blue-black silhouettes against a light blue-grey sky. The textures in the trees are no longer seen. The open, negative space is filled with all the tiny spider-like branches which creates a regular rhythm giving this photo a feeling of energy.  The 7 photos are below showing a more gradual change in the exposure.

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