Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My Teacher's Images

Here is my final exam from Martin and it was a lot of fun.

Here are the specifications for your final exam! Although it took me a few days straight of contemplation, I was finally able to come up with a project/assignment for you :)

Final Exam Part 1: Take a series of photographs of any subject, but keep in mind these photos should be taken of the best quality. The photos should demonstrate a high level of understanding of composition, as well as demonstrate a respect for photography and what makes a photograph "good". Out of all of your photographs, choose 3 to edit (or not to edit if that is your choosing) and work on them generously. After you have completed the 3 photographs, please post the 3 ORIGINAL photographs to your blog, and not the edited versions. This will be key for part two.

Part 2: After posting your original photographs, I will (with the help of other art students) also be editing the 3 pictures you post, and I will post them (or send them to you). You will then post your edited versions alongside the edited versions I send you, and I would like you to compare and contrast your work, with the versions I send you, and post it on your blog.

Here are the Photos from Martin. The next posts will be The Comparison Shots.

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