Thursday, August 30, 2012

Artists who use Line

I love the lines that Franz Marc uses in his artwork. I like the curving lines on both tigers and how the main tiger's head curves into the body. I like how he has a variety of lines; thick lines for the stripes, thin lines for whiskers, and negative, white lines within the large black shapes.I also like how lines continue from one shape into other shapes. I wonder how many prints of this he made? By using such strong, bold lines he really makes the tiger look powerful. the strong contrast between white and black also adds to the powerrful feeling, it looks like a strong animal.


I also love Leonardo Da Vinci's drawings of horses. I love hoe realistic he has drawn the animals. I love the delicate, softness of the lines and the movement of the gesture. I love how multiple perspectives and how the drawings overlap each other. I am envious of the control he has with the cross-hatching and how he gets a great sense of depth to the horses. I love hoe he can capture the emotion of the animal and I love seeing his drawing process, how I can see those initial marks and how he re-draws.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Open Studio Art Fellows 2

Here are pictures of what Nicole and I did with the space for Open Studio Friday from 6-8PM. Erika and Dominic had to leave early. The space seems REALLY big now. I will post the pieces from all the Open Studio areas tomorrow night. I play to play tourist tomorrow after I pack up all my materials.


Nicole's Art

Nature Marks

Here is the finished piece. I added the flowers, still muted, and have the hands glowing.

Nature Marks

I added sunflower seed hands reaching up to the figure. I now plan to add a floral design above the figure. I hopefully will post that this evening. I will then start to set up for the Open Studio event on Friday, 6-8PM. It will be great to see what everyone else has been doing for 5 weeks.

My last marks for now- 5 weeks complete

Here are my last 2 marks; the small, 4"X4" canvas boards. I love moving charcoal around with the mat media and I have this very soft face, almost worn away. I then decided to play with hands since I began the series with hands.

Figure complete

It may be hard to see in the photo but thee is part of a face on the lower left burgundy. I added many subtle faces to the background. She is done.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Nature Marked

I added another figure and vines and now I want to create something textural with seeds on the lower left.

Mark 33

Hard to believe that only 2 marks remain. This string face was originally going to be on the figure painting but I did not like it so I added it as a small image.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Marked By Nature

Here is the start of my nature tribute.

Marked By My Ancestors

Figure 2

I added string and the face below. My plan is to add a golden string face above.

Stepped On

I found 3 more faces within the paper.

Marked by memories

This one came together quickly.

Excavation Marks completion

I applied an apocalyptic edge to the black with smashed technology.


More Marks

More marks for week 5.

While things dry....

    Last time my husband came to visit he took photos of me working in the studio so I thought I would share. Pieces are all wet at the moment, not the best time to take pictures so I will try and post this evening.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Marked by my ancestors

This one is for my husband (well it is one of my favorite small pieces also). He said he thought the purple profile would be very powerful if it was large. The metallic background looks great but is difficult to photograph. I have a lot of images within the head that I will be adding with paper pulp. I will then go over the head with the rich, dark purple. I will outline with the yellow and gold beads.

Stepped on

Here is another piece of discarded paper that I have decided to work with. I needed to spray paint a plastic rosary black so I used the paper to protect the floor. I liked it and hung it on the wall for 4 weeks. I now plan on having images of children in pain; the footprints as if they are being stepped on and other ways thye are stepped on.


I really love this pose and decided to create a painting of her in fabric. I will be adding the details using red string. The wood of the panel shows through the background.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I can't believe there is 1 week left

Wow! I am starting my last week here at Skidmore. I have created 28 small 4"X4" canvas panels, a large 4 ft X 2ft piece, 11 paintings of various sizes, and 3 failures. Sometimes things just fall into place. This one may be finished.

Rebirth Finished?

Here is what I think is the completed painting. I added more definition to the angel/spirit and added fabric to the background. I also added the purple in the sky and color highlights.

Marks 27 and 28

These are the last 2 for week 4. The first is based on drawing multiple poses from the life drawing sketches students have hung in the hallway. The purple Venus is made up of my fingerprints.

Mark 25 and 26

Drawing with string. This has been really fun. These are 2 females from the life drawing sketches.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Art Show at Skidmore Case Center

More marks will follow but here are photos of my artwork in the gallery. Our opening is Monday and I will post more pictures from the event. The gallery is open 9AM-5PM Monday-Friday. We have an Open House Friday 6-8PM. Then I come home Sat. morning.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Scroll Women

I have added my black string Madonna. I will now be playing with the negative space and tying the figures together with wispy, shadowing figures in watercolor.

Marked Women II

I'm back to liking this again. The gold ties the wing areas together. I have 30 pieces of gold that are raining down on the right. The have different words for women within each coin, except for the Chinese coins. Thinking of adding some gold beads.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Marked Women II

 Some days are a struggle. I fought with this all day. I added the first layer of green and went to lunch hating it. I came back and layered more greens and took a break at 4pm mildly detesting it. I then came back at 7pm (we had a fire drill in the dining hall) and added more, you guessed it, green. I also added the face, messing up the ear twice, and defined another figure I found on the left. My plan now is to add the shear gold material that has been cut into feathers and soften my wings while still allowing all the imagery to show through. We will see what tomorrow brings.

Marks 23 and 24

Both of these were made from left over material. The wet paper pulp was  the first one and the dried paper pulp that I scraped out of the container was 24.