Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Mother Sky Loves The Earth

Here is my first photo for my final and Martins' rendition. I did a lot more manipulation than my teacher. I like how Martin warmed the skin tones and blurred the background to really emphasis my mother and my niece. I have 8 layers in my image. I really love the composition and the close cropping and I really like the texture and softness I created. I used the eraser tool with the opacity low to soften the edges of my people.

1 comment:

Mrs. Kristiansen said...

Hello Student!
I was impressed that you got your assignment in so early! Although your deadline was not for another 36 hours, you were able to successfully post your assignments! All of the photos you created showed great photo manipulation, as well as displaying an understanding and careful consideration of the compositions.

Term 4: 99
Exam: 100

Final Grade 100 (You get 1/2 point for turning your exam in so early) :)
Have a great rest of the year :)